Triptych of Light

Triptych of Light

Quantum Trail
Moving Forward
Through Essence, Into Infinity...

This collection, the Triptych of Light,  delves into the evolutionary nature of existence as it traverses the quantum fabric of reality, depicting three phases of a voyage toward infinity. It invites viewers on a journey of introspection and self-discovery.

Quantum Trail tells the story of every human being’s journey along their unique quantum path. At a pivotal point in this journey, the individual faces a moment of disequilibrium, risking the loss of material possessions, behaviors, and beliefs. However, if balance is found amidst the chaos, the individual gains access to their spirit. This evolution instills confidence, allowing the person to continue their journey with a newfound sense of purpose, ultimately accessing their essence.

Moving Forward illustrates the next phase, where the being advances in search of a profound connection with their essence. The body begins to appear transparent, reflecting the clarity and purity of the spirit. This piece serves as a reminder to shed burdens and distractions, encouraging continual evolution and unwavering focus on one’s goals.

Through Essence, Into Infinity… concludes the series. Here, the being achieves a deep connection with their essence, enabling a profound exploration of the universe. This connection allows them to perceive an infinite field of possibilities, embodying the boundless potential of existence.


  • Technique:
  • Digital Illustration
  • Size:
  • 100cmx48cm - Each
  • Media:
  • Hight quality giclee print




  • Technique:
  • Digital Illustration
  • Size:
  • 50cm x 70cm (W x H)
  • Media:
  • Hight quality giclee print

In Me Mago Agere


In Me Mago Agere

  • Technique:
  • Digital Illustration
  • Size:
  • 50cm x 70cm (W x H)
  • Media:
  • Hight quality giclee print

Quantum Intent


Quantum Intent


Quantum Intent serves as a poignant reminder for individuals to establish specific goals that lead to evolution, beauty, and enlightenment in the ‘future’.

By setting clear milestones, individuals focus their journey towards these objectives, fostering a life illuminated by moments of beauty along the way. This intentional pursuit keeps individuals oriented toward achieving their goals, and as each milestone draws near, they are inspired to set new, even more ambitious aspirations.

In this perpetual cycle, individuals transcend the constraints of time, embracing a state of boundless potential and continuous growth.

  • Technique:
  • Digital Illustration
  • Size:
  • 66cm x 36 cm (W x H)
  • Media:
  • Hight quality giclee print

Personal Fears and Limitations


Personal Fears and Limitations


Personal fears and limitations reflect the human condition, where these mental constructs create a looming shadow over individuals.

This shadow acts like a guardian, standing before them and projecting the idea that every path and goal is fraught with difficulty.

The objective of this work is to remind us that these limits and fears are self-imposed. It is time to liberate ourselves from these shadows and forge ahead toward our own destinies, realizing that everything we need is already within us.

  • Technique:
  • Digital Illustration
  • Size:
  • 66cm x 36 cm (W x H)
  • Media:
  • Hight quality giclee print

Endemic Systems


Endemic Systems


Each one of us, throughout our lives, encounters various systems shaped by culture, education, and generational beliefs. These systems can sometimes be helpful, but they can also limit our personal evolution.

Endemic Systems suggests the importance of attaining the freedom to step outside any system without relinquishing the option to use them when needed. The goal is to achieve a state of being that is free and capable of utilizing all tools, beliefs, and behaviors that are beneficial for oneself.

  • Technique:
  • Digital Illustration
  • Size:
  • 66cm x 36 cm (W x H)
  • Media:
  • Hight quality giclee print